5th of July Beach Cleanup
Thank you for keeping our beaches healthy! 2024 Recap!
Our Annual 5th of July Beach Clean-Up was a success with 100+ volunteers rallying together to collect over 2,500 lbs of trash before it could enter our sensitive ocean.
RPC’s Volunteer & Transportation Manager, Autumn Subers, says, “Our volunteers donated over 200 hours of their time to help pick up over 2,000 pounds of firework debris and garbage left behind by people camping and shooting off fireworks illegally from the beaches of Crescent City. Although it’s a heartbreaking situation, we are so proud of our community members who came together in the name of stewardship!”
Thank you to our partners in this clean-up Smith River Alliance, California State Parks North Coast Redwoods, Caltrans District 1, Redwood National and State Parks (NPS), Del Norte Solid Waste Authority and more! We could not have done it without the dedication and enthusiasm of our volunteers and partners alike. We hope you will join us next year!

Our 2023 Clean-up Recap! Thanks for your support!
Each year, Crescent City and Del Norte County welcome anywhere between 5,000 to 15,000 visitors to celebrate the 4th of July. An important attraction among the impressive program of events is the beach, where as many as 1,000 people can congregate. In 2023, 60+ volunteers participated in our event to pick up this trash and keep our beaches clean. Volunteers were given gloves, bags, and vests to aid them in their efforts to collect as much trash from the beaches as possible. Refreshments and lunch were also provided to thank our amazing volunteers. We cleaned up 3,290 pounds of trash and firework debris in just 3 short hours