Leave a Legacy Worthy of Giants
Leaving a legacy gift, or planned gift, is a simple way to provide lasting support for the redwood parks and public lands that you cherish. With only 5% of old-growth redwood forests remaining, and higher visitation to our parks than ever, our work as stewards of these lands will continue far into the future. A lasting gift can help ensure that future generations continue to forge strong connections to the old-growth forests we have today.
A bequest from a will is the most common legacy gift because it is private, revocable, and will not affect your assets or cash flow during your lifetime. A bequest may also provide certain tax benefits. If you wish to name Redwood Parks Conservancy in your will, contact your financial adviser, accountant, and/or attorney to ensure that your gift aligns with your financial and charitable goals. You may also contact our Development Director: development@redwoodparks.org with any questions regarding your gift.

Legacy donors Richard Ross and Linda Carpenter during a visit to the redwoods.
Language for your will or living trust
We’ve put together some samples of bequest language that will direct your gift to Redwood Parks Conservancy:
A Specific Gift
If you would like to leave a specific amount or percentage of your estate, consider the following statement:
“I give, devise and bequeath to Redwood Parks Conservancy (1111 Second Street, Crescent City, California; Tax ID number 68-0084901) the sum of $____.” Or ____% of my estate.”
A Residual Gift
If you would like to leave a certain percentage of what remains of your estate after debts and expenses and all other devises have been satisfied, consider the following statement:
“I give, devise and bequeath to Redwood Parks Conservancy (1111 Second Street, Crescent City, California; Tax ID number 68-0084901) [all or a percentage] of the residue of my estate.”
A Contingent Gift
If you would like to leave a gift as a contingency in case your current beneficiary does not survive, consider this example:
“In the event that [name of beneficiary] does not survive, I give, devise and bequeath the deceased beneficiary’s gift to Redwood Parks Conservancy (1111 Second Street, Crescent City, California; Tax ID number 68-0084901).
If you have questions about planning your gift, or if you would like information on how to support a specific project or set up an endowment, contact development@redwoodparks.org